Utilizing research grade force plates, Code 8 provides objective assessments by measuring fitness level, injury risk, and rehab success with speed and scale for athletes at any level.
Amateur Athletes
Amateur athlete programs are designed with the same attention to individualization as professional programs, but they must account for the distinct developmental stages of less experienced athletes. One key consideration for amateur athletes, especially younger ones, is physical maturation. Many will be undergoing growth spurts or changes in body composition that can affect balance, coordination, and strength. To address these variables, comprehensive assessments are necessary before initiating a training program.
Ultimately, programs for amateur athletes focus on long-term athletic development, with an emphasis on gradual progression, appropriate workload, and consistent assessment to monitor the athlete’s development and adjust the program as necessary.
College & Professional
A comprehensive and detailed assessment is the foundation of any strength training program at this level. These assessments go beyond general fitness and involve advanced testing to ensure that every aspect of the athlete’s physical capabilities is measured and addressed. Training for collegiate and professional athletes is a highly specific, data-guided process that relies on comprehensive assessments to optimize performance and minimize injury risk. These programs are dynamic, evolving based on ongoing assessments and the athlete’s needs throughout the competitive cycle.
How it works
Code 8 partners with Sparta Science to leverage the power of machine learning to capture an individual’s movement data in minutes, assesses performance and risk of injury, then assign intelligent, personalized movement guidance to improve performance and accelerate rehabilitation. Each program is unique to every client to make the most out of their workouts.